The pirate ship, Wave Goodbye to Your Sanity, has been lost at sea for weeks, or perhaps it is years? Crewed by three buffoonish, broken, musical playing sailors, they need your help on a journey of incredible highs and sudden lows as they battle against the stormy seas.
The Wave is a bonkers, riotous clowning show, brought alive through water fights, sea shanty, trembling drums, electric guitars, colour bombs, flakes, floor stomping songs, and lots of falling over! And if that’s not enough, seagulls and mermaids!
Join us aboard as we share a tale of isolation, love, loneliness and hysteria. We shall celebrate our own unique bonkersness, dance in the streets and throw endless buckets of water. A perfect party for big kids and small! So come along, bring your water gun and sing your heart out!
Let the mayhem be unleashed, gurrrr!