We want to help Artists & Creative Practitioners succeed in Somerset
Are you a Somerset-based artist working in theatre, dance, spoken word, the Early Years or music?
We help artists to:
- Nurture talent
- Develop skills
- Grow their artistic and business practice
- Achieve financial sustainability
Take Art plays a key role in helping to shape, resource and sustain the county’s theatre, dance, early years, rural touring and participatory music sectors. We do this by providing artistic and business support for practitioners and companies.
We try to support individuals and companies at various stages of their development, embracing the needs of graduates, emerging artists and practitioners, as well as those who are more established, to remain resilient, fed, connected and supported. We encourage creative thinking and offer opportunities that are inspiring, accessible and affordable.
Together with our colleagues in Somerset who also offer artist support, we’ve produced a downloadable document that signposts the range of resources and opportunities that are available.
How we can support you
We know that working in a predominantly rural county can be a challenge. If you have an idea, who do you talk to? If you need advice on writing a funding application, who can you call? Or if you just want to connect with other like-minded people, where do you go?
Part of our role is to offer answers to these questions. And if we don’t know, or we’re not able to help, we’ll be honest and point you towards someone who might.
Within our team, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience that we’re happy to share, but we also have finite resources and capacity to respond to every request. But we will do our best to help.
In practice, this means we can be at the end of the phone or zoom for a chat, respond to email requests or, when appropriate, arrange to meet face to face. Throughout each year, we facilitate networking meetings for artists and practitioners to share good practice, broker relationships and reduce the isolating impact of working as an individual or small company.
If you would like support, please email info@takeart.org and we will do our best to help.
Who we support
Join the digital community
We invite artists, practitioners, creative professionals & companies to join our digital community, where we post all the latest, news, events, discussions & job opportunities.