Take art works within music in the following ways:
- Programming music acts for its Rural Touring scheme.
- Working with music practitioners and hubs for the Early Years Music network Soundwaves Network Southwest
- Working in collaboration with Actiontrack on the My Tunes project, which provides music workshops for young people in Somerset PRUs and training for PRU teaching staff.
Music Contacts
- Ralph Lister Take Art’s Chief Executive / My Tunes project. ralph@takeart.org
- Nadine Griffiths My Tunes Coordinator nadine@takeart.org
- Danny Pedler, Take Art Rural Touring Manager danny@takeart.org
- Jane Parker, Soundwaves-Extra Project Manager jane@takeart.org
Our Music Projects

The SoundWaves Network is an innovative and exciting Early Years Music Network for Early Years practitioners, child-minders, Early Years settings and InspirED schools.
More infoMy Tunes is a long running project from Take Art and Actiontrack that utilises the levelling power of music, working with some of the most isolated and disadvantaged young people in the county. Sep 2012 - present day
More info
InspirED was a Somerset wide education project that offered exciting and unforgettable arts opportunities to schools and Early Years settings. Now InspirED is changing and entering a new phase in its evolution.
More infoContact the Take Art office for general inquiries about all our music projects and opportunities.
Tel: 01460 249450