Our dance development programme at Take Art provides high quality dance performance and participation opportunities in Somerset alongside our other specialisms. We are the strategic lead for dance in Somerset and represent the county at both a regional and national level.
We provide a key role in helping to shape, resource and sustain the county’s dance sector offering artistic and business support to professional dance artists and companies as well as providing opportunities for networking, professional development, training and mentoring.
Since 2003 Take Art Dance has worked in partnership and collaborated with many partners regionally and nationally to deliver high quality dance projects and opportunities that benefit artists, companies, practitioners, children and young people, students, teachers, audiences and venues.
Our participatory projects, festivals, workshops and platform events provide opportunities for dancers of all ages and abilities to be part of an evolving county dance community.
Dance Projects

Our Turn is an arts intervention project using dance and movement to help the health and happiness of vulnerable adults living with dementia or memory loss, and their carers.
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Spring Forward is an annual dance festival offering unrivalled opportunities for Somerset and South West dancers to perform on a professional stage, participate in workshops and watch world-class dance performances. February 2005 – Present
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The Rural Touring Dance Initiative (RTDI) brings exciting and innovative dance theatre and dance performance to rural locations, using the established rural touring schemes to help make this happen successfully. 2015 - present.
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Little Big Dance is a major three-year national initiative created by South East Dance in partnership with Take Art, DanceEast and Yorkshire Dance, with more than £371,000 investment from Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Arts Council England.
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