DanSCe Dialogues 2 - Entering the Lighting Lab

04 April 2013

The purpose of this lab is to give participants the keys to intellectual, artistic and technical understanding of the relationship between choreography and light, and in particular, whether it can be thought of as a collaborative creative process, from a joint artistic vision.

In this laboratory, four teams of two artists, one choreographer and one lighting designer, will be mentored and guided by two leading artists who will share their artistic experience as a technique to develop the participants’ collaborative and technical lighting skills.

The mentors in this laboratory are the internationally acclaimed team: choreographer Russell Maliphant and lighting designer Michael Hulls, whose work is internationally recognized and has, among other successes, created the award-winning PUSH, a work originally created with ballerina Sylvie Guillem. Participants were chosen by the Laboratory leaders, after an open call throughout the eligible territories - the South East, South West, Normandy and Brittany.

The first day of the Lighting Lab featured a private performance by the Russell Maliphant Company, with a programme made up of some of the most iconic of this duos collaborations over the past 20 years. Michael Hulls will introduce each work and give some background and context for the creation and collaborative process between light and dancers. After the performance, Russell then joined the participants for a post show talk about the works, leading to an evening dinner table discussion.

The lucky participants:

  • From South West England: Jane Castree and Jamie Smith
  • From Brittany: Le Pole – Léonard Rainis and Nicolas Bazoge
  • From South East England: Company Zoielogic – Zoie Golding and Luke Hornbuckle
  • From Normandy: Company Ventura – Anna Ventura and Oliver Shobe

The Light Lab is one of a series of dance sector development activities to be offered over the next two years as part of DanSCe Dialogues 2 programme, an Interreg Iva-Manche funded French/UK dance axis and exchange of practices.

To find out more about DanSce Dialogues 2 please visit the Take Art project pages