Take Art is on the look out for new local Volunteer Promoters

18 January 2016

In Autumn 2016 and Spring 2017 Take Art is taking part in an exciting national initiative* to bring more dance theatre performances to rural Somerset.

But we need new energy to join our existing team of brilliant volunteer promoters to help us put these shows in front of an audience! Promoting live performances from world-class artists in your local hall is extremely rewarding. It will be hard work but as a co-promotion we will be working closely with you to ensure that all goes smoothly.

Initially it will be one or two performances across the autumn/spring, but if you get the promoting ‘bug’ there is a possibility it could lead to further events to promote for your community. For an informal chat about becoming a Take Art promoter, including around the expectations/commitments, please don’t hesitate to contact Sarah Peterkin, Director of Rural Touring: sarah@takeart.org / 01460 249450.

“It is through Take Art that we are able to bring to our village performances that would be otherwise unavailable to us... and I do not refer solely to value for money, but to the benefit to the community"  Valerie Godfrey, Take Art Promoter (for 23 years), Wedmore, Sedgemoor


*Read more about the Rural Touring Dance Initiative here.