Welcome to the Early Years Case Study Library
If you work within Early Years and the Arts as a practitioner, artist or setting you might like to access Take Art’s wealth of case studies that will give you plenty of ideas and steer on how to increase creativity in your work and get the best outcomes for the children.
Please download our various Case Studies from the Elements and The SoundWaves Network projects below.
The Soundwaves Network Case Studies
Soundwaves Network is an early childhood music education programme incorporating a strong element of training for the current and future early childhood workforce in the South West.
Below are some key Case Studies from the project.

Roger Luxton & Eliza Wylie at Setting Four, Bristol
Working together on The SoundWaves Network Programme in BristolEliza Wylie & Amy Hardwick at Setting Three, Somerset
Lessons Learnt in Lockdown

Bill Roberts working in Bristol, July 2016
A ukulele project based in a deprived area of Bristol working with a group of 3 year olds.Vicky Meadows working in Bristol
Working with children with language delay, poor social and emotional development and vulnerable families

Emma Hutchinson working in Exeter
Developing language in young children from multi-cultural familiesJoanna Harvey working in Frome
How can music support Social Communication for 2-3 year olds (particularly children with EAL and SEND)
Richard Hughes working in Devon
Mark-making and sound making simultaneouslyRichard Tomlinson working in Devon
How can a creative approach to music support positive engagement and communication?

Rachel Thame, Ahoy Project, working with Naval families in Plymouth.
How can creative music making build resilience and encourage expression for military families with under 5s in the Plymouth area?Liv McLennan working in Salisbury
To what extent can music enhance communication?

Ann Stott and Emily Garrod working in Cornwall
To what extent can music support communication in an early years setting?Richard Hughes working in Devon
How can we support musical play?Elements Case Studies
Elements was a practical action research programme of Early Years' creativity, that took place in different settings across Wells and Taunton between October 2016 and April 2017. Six multi-disciplinary artists were placed in reception and pre-school settings across Taunton and Wells.
As part of this project the artist and setting worked together to carry out a Case Study based on a pre-determined research question.

Richard Hughes working in Somerset
How can we support the development of children’s reflective thinking?Lucy Lean working in Somerset
The effects of creativity on speech and language?

Bizzikids Nursery with Deborah Westmancoat
There is no wrong or right. How can we build the confidence of children and adults in art making?Hannah Lefeuvre working in Somerset
To explore the role of adults in creative, imaginative and playful activities?

Peter Margerum working in Somerset
It is the process of creativity that is more important than the end result in impacting on children’s brain development and learning?Peter Margerum working in Somerset
How can having an artist at Blackbrook support staff to help children express their creativity?

Howard Vause working in Somerset
How can we develop children’s and adult’s creativity through technology?Lucy Lean working in Somerset
How to use an artist to meet the childrens needs to express themselves creatively in a continuous provision model?
Hannah Lefeuvre working in Somerset
Exploring simple ways of unlocking staff’s imagination in order to develop children’s creativity?Little Wellies Cathedral School
To what extent does an artist impact on an Early Years Practitioner’s views regarding creativity (and the end product?)Contact
To request these case studies in a different format or for any other inquiry please contact Early Years Co-ordinatior, Ruth Copping.
earlyyears@takeart.org | 01460 249450