After nearly four years SPARSE came to a conclusion in December 2021. We feel that this film neatly sums up the project and we are proud to be associated with it.
As the lead partner we are delighted with the way in which the project has progressed. It has been a joy to meet and work with the partners in Estonia, Italy, Lithuania and Romania also of whom have showed great determination and dedication to make the project a success. We have achieved or exceeded all of our targets despite the complications caused by Covid. We have worked within a cooperative and positive atmosphere, learning from each other and contributing to the project legacies such as the evaluation report, website/Facebook digital platforms, film and toolkits.
The partners are committed to working together into the future and have spent several months preparing and submitting a follow up application to Creative Europe for a further 4-year project. Several partners have been involved in submitting a successful Perform Europe cross border project application touring in 2022.
The partners in the project were
AMAT - Italy
Artists Group ‘Fish Eye’ - Lithuania
Asociatia Teatrala Shoshin - Romania
Sihtasutus Eesti Tantsuagentuur -Estonia
Associate Partners
Carn to Cove - Cornwall
Riksteatern Värmland - Sweden
Vestland fylkeskommune - Norway