Our Take Art early years projects and partnership working is all about ensuring that creativity can flourish. We know it can support not only children, but also the adults who are their teachers, carers, parents or hold a significant role in the life of a child.
Making & Believing (2021-2024) is coming to a close. This project has generated some insightful and helpful resources available for you to dive into - so immerse yourself in Early Years Creativity and see it flourishing by checking out these films and the Research Report from the Making & Believing Project:
- Making & Believing Project film
- Making & Believing Research Report by Dr Susan Young
- Making & Believing Conference Highlights 25 March 2024 at Derby Theatre
- Small Happenings: Big Potential – M&B Conference presentation by Dr Susan Young
- Making it Possible: Believing in Children – M&B Conference presentation by Debi Keyte Hartland

Soundwaves Network SW
Soundwaves Network SW (2021-2025) is going strong with projects in Bournemouth, Poole, Dorset and Torquay completing this summer term. Projects in Southampton are expected in the autumn, along with further early childhood CPD training opportunities. Don’t stop watching this space!
We are delighted to share the learning and outcomes of these projects with you via these forthcoming zoom events:
7.30 - 9.00 pm Thursday 13 June Music with 4-5 year olds: Creating an enabling environment
7.30 – 8.30 pm Monday 13 July Music with 2-4 year olds: Creating an enabling environment
Tickets are just £7.00 for each event. Book your place now!

Training To Support Early Years Teachers/Practitioners/Musicians
Applications for the Certificate for Music Educators: Early Childhood (academic year 2024/25) are now open. This training is delivered online and includes 4 days at the Centre for Research in Early Childhood (CREC), Birmingham.
We also have some discretionary bursaries of £300 available for those within the South West of England, email jane@takeart.org to find out how to apply. The deadline for Take Art bursary applications is 30 June 2024. Additional bursaries may also become available from SoundWaves Network SW partners.
"This course was such a great opportunity to learn from nationally experienced EY Music specialists. As a full-time reception class teacher and school music subject lead, I was able to immediately put new skills into my own daily practice. The course really developed my thinking and understanding in a supportive nurturing environment."
Student alumnus

Building Confidence Using Music in Early Childhood
We are delighted that 50 people have just completed our 9-hour course delivered via Zoom over 6 weeks. This time we worked in partnership with the Gloucestershire Songscape project with training delivered by Rosie Walton, Charlotte Gibbs and Jane Parker – all of whom bring a wealth of experience and learning to their teaching practice.
"I was very impressed by all the facilitators passion and humour that came through effortlessly over zoom. They made it interactive and engaging. I’ve not experienced such a good zoom course before. The course has given me fresh inspiration for my teaching and questioning how I’ve been doing things and why. It’s also made me very interested in working with early years and doing more. Thank you."
Music teacher
"I have really enjoyed this course, was so refreshing and fun. looking forward to enhancing our setting with ideas and songs learnt."
Early years practitioner
"An excellent course… useful practical enjoyable and backed up by research."
Music Education Hub staff
We will be running this course again in the next academic year so keep an eye out on our website for when enrolment starts.

Keep on keeping an eye on our website or join our mailing list to hear when future opportunities open up.
Jane Parker & Jennie Loader
The Take Art Early Years Team