The Rural Touring Dance Initiative 2 (2018 – 2021), a partnership project led by the National Rural Touring Forum with Take Art, The Place and China Plate, is looking to commission new and adapted work from UK dance companies, specifically for rural touring.
The RTDI phase one saw Ben Wright’s bgroup commissioned to create Point of Echoes, and a number of companies to adapt existing works. Speaking about the experience of rural touring after participating in phase one, Luca Silvestrini, Artistic Director of Luca Silvestrini’s Protein said “We are in a state of bliss. I’ve never experienced dancers and crew being more satisfied and wanting to do more”.
Previous artists supported by the project also include Lost Dog, Joan Cleville and Uchenna Dance.
The RTDI, now in its second phase, is a partnership between Take Art, The Place, China Plate and the National Rural Touring Forum (NRTF), who will be continuing to support the touring and making of innovative new dance for rural areas through a second major award from Arts Council England Strategic Touring programme, and a new award from Arts Council Wales.
Opportunity for Companies:
• A £10,000 commission on offer for UK based companies to create new work
• A second £10,000 to be offered to a Wales based artist or company to create a new work
• Funds up to £5,000 for 6 companies to adapt existing work to tour rural areas
If you are interested in these opportunities please visit the www.theplace.org.uk for the full information, application pack and guidelines.
Speaking about the call out, Ralph Lister, Director, NRTF’s Rural Touring Dance Initiative, said “The partners are excited about building on the successes of the first three years and delighted that there will be a stronger presence in Wales.”
This development demonstrates that the project is working and a broader base of support will strengthen its sustainability beyond 2021”.

The Rural Touring Dance Initiative (RTDI) brings exciting and innovative dance theatre and dance performance to rural locations, using the established rural touring schemes to help make this happen successfully. 2015 - present.
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Outdoor theatre companies from across Europe got together to look at setting up a rural touring network, to develop a theatre skills sharing programme and to develop new theatre methods. November 2017 – August 2019
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This programme aimed to develop dance at The Octagon Theatre in Yeovil between 2013-2015
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