Think Banksy, think Culture Declares Emergency, think Led by Donkeys.
Our latest Somerset Diversity Forum, which is taking place at The Hub in Yeovil, will ask the question how we as a region can make an impact on the issues that matter?
Spoken word poet, XR activist and author Pete ‘the Temp’ Bearder will look at how the arts can be used to create a conversation between cultures and influence politics, specifically in relation to the climate crisis and Brexit.
We ask the Somerset performing arts community to bring their ideas on how they are going to shape the narrative in Somerset towards real positive change.
The Diversity Forum will be followed by the Rainbow Fish Speak Easy, a social prescribing and spoken word poetry project, which has helped improve the mental health of countless Yeovil residents. Attendees are invited to stay on and can purchase food and refreshments from The Hub cafe.
If you want to be part of this exciting event please RSVP takearttheatre@gmail.com
Photo credit on menu: Led By Donkeys projection on the white cliffs of Dover