We believe the best arts experiences can transform lives. Our work achieves this through a programme of live performances, participatory projects and professional development opportunities.
With our specialisms in Rural Touring, Early Years, Dance, Theatre, Education and Project Development, we deliver a diverse range of projects with a community, educational, health and wellbeing focus.
Current Projects

InspirED was a Somerset wide education project that offered exciting and unforgettable arts opportunities to schools and Early Years settings. Now InspirED is changing and entering a new phase in its evolution.
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The SoundWaves Network is an innovative and exciting Early Years Music Network for Early Years practitioners, child-minders, Early Years settings and InspirED schools.
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Spring Forward is an annual dance festival offering unrivalled opportunities for Somerset and South West dancers to perform on a professional stage, participate in workshops and watch world-class dance performances. February 2005 – Present
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Speak your TRUTH, play with words, tease your IMAGINATION. Say whatever YOU want to SAY good or bad... Fully embrace the WONDERful person YOU ARE and the INCREDIBLE world you live in.
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Outdoor theatre companies from across Europe got together to look at setting up a rural touring network, to develop a theatre skills sharing programme and to develop new theatre methods. November 2017 – August 2019
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The Rural Touring Dance Initiative (RTDI) brings exciting and innovative dance theatre and dance performance to rural locations, using the established rural touring schemes to help make this happen successfully. 2015 - present.
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Taking place over two-years, Hopper brought specially created theatre shows into, pre-schools, nurseries, theatres, libraries and children’s centres, focusing on children from less advantaged areas.
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BARN was a collective theatre initiative, facilitated by Take Art, that supported Somerset’s emerging theatre-making sector to develop, test and showcase new work in a predominantly rural context.
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This high energy, physical adventure for boys consisted of regular dance workshops, along with performance opportunities. October 2015 - July 2019
More infoMy Tunes is a long running project from Take Art and Actiontrack that utilises the levelling power of music, working with some of the most isolated and disadvantaged young people in the county. Sep 2012 - present day
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A group of gifted and talented young dancers from throughout Somerset. September 2010 - Ongoing
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An innovative digital and creative online and offline adventure, helping the children of Taunton prepare for Big School.
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Little Big Dance is a major three-year national initiative created by South East Dance in partnership with Take Art, DanceEast and Yorkshire Dance, with more than £371,000 investment from Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Arts Council England.
More infoPast Projects

A practical action research programme of Early Years' creativity was based around the four elements. October 2016 to April 2017
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Life Circles was an exploration of how dance can effectively engage with the individual as a whole person and improve the quality of later life.
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This programme aimed to develop dance at The Octagon Theatre in Yeovil between 2013-2015
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An ambitious two-year dance and health project for Somerset that touched the lives and lifestyles of over 1,900 people living in rural communities, residential homes, schools, special needs centres and the work place. 2008-2010
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Little Big Bang was a grand scale Early Years Creativity project that ran for two years between 2009-2011, bringing creative professionals into key Somerset Children's Centres to work as part of their professional teams.
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The Urban Dance Project in Yeovil was led by Take Art in collaboration with a steering group of young people; connecting young people with both their bodies and their communities, through the music and moves they love. 2011 - 2015
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Alive & Kicking was a two-year dance and health project for young people across Somerset. 2006-2008
More infoKeep visiting the website for regular updates!
Contact Take Art:
Telephone: 01460 249450
Email: info@takeart.org
Address: The Mill, Flaxdrayton Farm, South Petherton, Somerset TA13 5LR