The Take Art team and Board of Trustees are monitoring the situation relating to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. We are listening to Government and PHE advice, taking heed and planning accordingly. As you can imagine we are dealing with a moving target!
The impact is still unfolding and we wish to support artists and companies as much as possible. Here is how:
- We’ve now updated the website and posted a Covid-19 Support page, under Artist Support. This page also lists useful resources.
- We have contacted those artists and communities that we work with directly, putting in place arrangements on a bespoke basis.
- To the broader creative community of artists, promoters, project partners and arts organisations we are interested in your ideas and concerns and you are welcome to keep in touch with us.
What now for Take Art?
Take Art is still ‘open’ for business but inevitably in a more remote capacity. Take Art staff are working from home, and our office phone is still open during business hours and the website and SM channels will be regularly updated. So please contact us if there is anything we can do to support you (see our contacts page for staff email addresses). We may not be able to solve problems but we are available to provide a listening ear; please also keep an eye on our website for updates.
Take Art is very fortunate to have excellent support from our principal funder, Arts Council England, and other funding bodies as well as the Trusts & Foundations that help us deliver our work. We really appreciate the prompt communications from the Arts Council over this challenging time.
Casting half an eye to the future, we aim to develop a plan for arts delivery via a digital medium or smaller scale live performances if government guidance allows, we will consider summer outdoor arts activity. All in good time, however, as we are still coming to terms with the present situation.
We also intend to collect data from the arts sector about the impact of the pandemic. We would like to work with our partners, promoters and artists around building resilience in their communities through various digital and other arts activities.
Best wishes and stay safe,
all the team and board members at Take Art